ArkWellness: Four ways to kickstart an exercise regime

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A famous US Navy Seal once said “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day”, that in turn will set you up for your next task – your early morning workout.


Routine is an overused term that some people relish and others dread. Regardless of your preference, routine forms the building blocks of success for starting your health and wellness and training. We’ve identified four key elements that will help you kickstart a successful fitness regime.

Nail the Small Things

To start a habit and set yourself up for success, you should build your exercise routine brick by brick. Progressively achievable rather than progressively impossible should be the mantra that makes sure every component of your routine contributes to your goal; whether that is getting out of bed early to go for a run, to the gym or for a swim. Every little action counts (including making your bed) and the less you have to think about it the more likely you are to stick to the routine.

Take pride in what you do

Find a sense of purpose with every small step you take, whether it be your diet or exercise. This creates the feeling that you have a degree of control through forming a positive habit and making progress towards your health and wellness goals.

Plan your steps

Like anything, it is easy to get carried away with goal setting and the ‘what ifs’. Setting yourself a big, massive goal is great, but just make sure you also identify smaller, readily achievable targets on your way. The journey needs to be as enjoyable as the objective itself.

Align with your goals

Think about your actions with your diet, exercise and recovery in the context of alignment with your overall goals. To achieve your overall goals, it is critical that your exercise, diet and recovery actions align themselves with that overarching objective.


Good luck and don’t forget to make the bed.

Unsure how to get started? Contact us for a personalised health and fitness plan.

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